July 19, 2021

Direct link to the *Registration* for NEUROFEST’21

Interested Medical students can register Direct link to the *Registration* for NEUROFEST’21 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfc9W6N75iOuxkCCLVbDgeR0mbhBb-JYkQoeUHW3v7_5cPUUQ/viewform?fbclid=IwAR3dlVMWCKZPeEBl2Ggx3edKTNv05VkDKAVjbvZqGADOKkBQpmkuSkpUkO4
July 19, 2021

Free Educational Series on Clinical Neurology -Pharm D Community Cranial Nerve Function

Free Educational Series on Clinical Neurology -Pharm D Community Cranial Nerve Function The journey of teaching never ends. For interested students 11th July 2021. 7-8 pm […]
July 10, 2021

The journey of teaching never ends

The journey of teaching never ends. For interested students 10th July 2021. 7-8 pm To register Please complete the below link https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYldumhqz0uGtJdC2vCxZ5lUk-O1tiAna7H?fbclid=IwAR2OrdZ8WwfI_9kWpN6CX3hRZ6ThmLAYLYjFe-0YDeX8kz9WxbPzNlAybZo